Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Sense the color of Your Products accurately with Measuring Instruments

The color is explained as the sensation experienced by the used which is caused by reflected light or light which is transmitted by the objects.  In some situation and stable light conditions, we are not able to measure the perceived color, in that situations we have to measure and subsequently calculate certain factors which are responsible for producing this sensation of color. For example, the color properties of textile materials play a significant role at every level of production in industry and instruments are engaged to some degree in almost every textile operation that is involved in coloration of textile products. 

History of Color Measurement Instruments
Color Measurement Instruments has experienced a significant advancement in the technology during past 40 years. In the previous publication of color technology in the textile industry, there were not more than 10 instruments that are used for color measurement procedures. But nowadays, thousands of products are available in the market that can be used to measure the color of products and to assure the color quality of raw materials as well as final goods. 

During this time period, the growths in color measurement instruments have become highly reliable, accurate, faster and flexible than the previous ones and are available at very low cost. The variety of designs and features of the instruments those are available nowadays are overwhelming the buyers. 

Color Measurement Devices – For Visual Inspection
Color measurement instruments that are available helps to determine the color of the products by visual examination whether two solutions were of similar color. These devices help to make a comparison between the color and shades of the two products that look alike.  

Colorimeters – Best Ever Solution for Color Measurement
Colorimeters nowadays are very crucial in the development of the science of colors. A colorimeter is a device of equally simple design which is based upon the visual concepts of color. The sample is illuminated at 45-degree angle relative to the perpendicularity line to the plane of the mounted sample. The reflected light is measured directly which is placed perpendicular to the sample through the series of color filters which clearly represents the relative amount of blue, green, red that are reflected from the samples.

Testonix Instruments, one of the best manufacturers of color measurement devices in the world of testing instruments, offers a broad range of devices to solve the issue of measuring color quality. The device provides highly accurate test results.  For more information on visit:

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